Aspiration: LMC LF Polled Kenna 39/1 (P)
Lot Number:5
Start Time:10/16/2024 1:00:00 PM
End Time:10/18/2024 3:33:02 AM
Bid Count:29
Winning Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$2,000.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$4,700.00
Bidding complete

Click Here to View Pedigree

After you view the first natural calf out of LMC LF Polled Kenna 39/1 (P) who sells as lot 4 there is not much more convincing needed on why this aspiration should be purchased.  Polled Kenna is one of our exciting young donors that is sired by LMC LF Polled Jack 104/6 (P) who resulted from the very first flush that we did on the 2016 Reserve International Champion Female and one of our all time most proven donors, +LMC Polled Passion 55/4.  To create Jack we crossed Passion with Mr. V8 139/7 who is a son of the #1 Register of Renown Bull +Mr. V8 380/6 and +Miss V8 797/7 who is one of the most influential polled cows in the pedigrees of B.R, Cutrer, Inc. and V8 Ranch.  The dam to Polled Kenna is a polled female that was purchased from Wesley Janik due to her outcross pedigree.  Study the performance profile of Polled Kenna and you will see that she charts positive for 13 of the 16 measured traits.  We see a bright future in this female based on her first production, homozygous polled status, and superior performance.


To enhance this package, we are offering a straw of semen on LMC LF Polled Godfather 187/0 (PP) to recreate the bull calf that is being sold as lot 4. 


Selling one aspiration opportunity to be done at a mutually agreed on facility with a guarantee of six transferable embryos.


Supplement Photos:

Lot 5-1: Recent Photo

Lot 5-2:  Sire
Lot 5-3: Paternal Grandam
Lot 5-4: Paternal Grandsire

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