3 Units of Semen +5P Balia 659 and 3 Units of Semen +Ward’s Bravo 1/09
Lot Number:21
Start Time:12/7/2024 2:00:00 PM
End Time:12/11/2024 2:21:27 AM
Bid Count:5
Winning Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$20.00
Bid Increment:$10.00
Current Bid:$60.00x 6= $360.00
Bidding complete

This six pack of semen offers our original GOLDEN CROSS with these Register of Renown sires having sold over $1 Million worth of semen for us. We are still selling semen on them forty years later, proving that heroes get remembered but legends never die. This could be the buy of the sale. This semen purchase comes with unlimited AI certificates at ABBA cost.

Name  Reg  DOB Sire DAM BW,WW,YW,Milk
+5P Balia 659  303130 8/28/77 EOD Cherokee 1/208 Miss 5P Arauto 28 1.7, 1, 3, 7
+Ward's Bravo 1/09  358568 5/15/81 HK Mr. America 730/7 Lady Ward 8/42 2.1, 24, 43, 15
Benefits: Rio Grande Valley Brahman & F1 Association

Seller:La Muneca Company
No donations for this lot
United States