+LMC LF Ambassador 700/7 (P) Semen
Lot Number:19
Start Time:12/7/2024 2:00:00 PM
End Time:12/11/2024 2:21:27 AM
Bid Count:7
Winning Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$20.00
Bid Increment:$10.00
Current Bid:$70.00x 10= $700.00
Bidding complete

LMC LF Ambassador will have his own chapter in the ABBA Polled Brahman history book as both his daughters and sons have helped establish many of today's leading Polled Brahman herds. We are now utilizing great great grand progeny of Ambassador with great success in line breeding due to him being a problem free AI sire whose progeny are docile, easy keeping, fertile, early maturing, functional, and profitable. We call him our GO TO SIRE and he was our very first Polled Brahman to enter the prestigous ABBA Register of Renown. This semen purchase comes with unlimited AI certificates at ABBA cost.

Benefits: LMC & Friends ANIMO Award @ AJBA All American

Sire :JDH Mr George Manso
Dam:Miss V8 899/4 (P)
EPD:BW, WW, YW, Milk: 1.3, 9, 18, 7
Seller:La Muneca - Flores Cattle Company
Reg No. :866236
No donations for this lot
United States