UltraSEXED Heifer LMC Gold Medal 5Z/75 Semen
Lot Number:7
Start Time:12/7/2024 2:00:00 PM
End Time:12/11/2024 2:21:27 AM
Bid Count:17
Current High Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$50.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$450.00
Bidding complete
Gold Medal remains a pillar in our breeding program as the 2013 National Champion Bull is as reliable as he ever has been when wanting to hit that homerun. One of his most recent daughters, LMC Starlight 5L/157 was recently crowned Grand Champion at the State Fair of Texas Open Show for Nolan Seale. Sexed heifer semen is rare in the Simbrah breed, so don't miss this golden opportunity.
Benefits: Texas 4H Foundation - Sharon Grahmann Endowment |
Sire :LMC Rhino 5W/367
Dam:LMC WFC Ms Dream Girl
EPD:BW, WW, YW, Milk: 3.4, 77.8, 106.3, 11.9
Seller:Dream Girl Group
Reg No. :2644944
No donations for this lot
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United States