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Miss 4F Polled 187/2 (P) is a beautiful dark red, feminine, long, level, and heavy structured female. We purchased 187/2 as the pick of the Tip of Texas Online Sale for Little Bruce to show and thought that she would be useful as an outcross. As we get further into our breeding program we have decided to focus on 100% polled red pedigrees thus are offering 187/2 for sale. The sire of 187/2, SRS Joe Kid 185, is one of the most exciting young sires in the breed who was the 2018 Reserve National Champion, sired by the influential +SRS Mr. Troubador 933, and out of the dam to +SRS Mr. Captain Red Legs. The dam to 187/2 is one of 4F Cattle Co.’s top young donors who is a full sister to LMC LF Polled Elma 214/4 the #1 polled cow in the breed based on registrations. 11/6 is sired by +Mr. V8 279/7 who is the #1 most utilized bull in the breed and out of a proven cow bred by Double A Ranch. 187/2 was AI bred to #NCC Red Odyssey(P) #1000101 on September 11, 2024.
Supplement Photo:
Lot 4-1: Sire
Lot 4-2: Dam
United States