F1 33
Lot Number:85
Start Time:11/23/2024 7:00:00 PM
Bid Count:2
Winning Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$2,000.00
Bidding complete

7 Oaks Ranch have two outstanding Golden Certified F1 Hereford x Brahman females that they wanted to include in this sale
today. They are both sired by a Leon Noack Hereford bull and out of 7 Oaks Ranch Brahman females. They are both fall born 2023
females. Lot 84 was born in September and Lot 85 was born in November. We have the Golden Certified certificates and they will
be transferred to the new owners. Both heifers are really gentle and open ready to breed to the bull of your choice.

No donations for this lot
United States