Lot: 58
Lot Number:58
Start Time:2/17/2024 5:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Winning Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$1,000.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$0.00
Bidding complete
Tattoo: J312
ASA#: 4050082
Notes: Lot 58A, L320, black heifer calf, DOB 10/18/23, 62 lbs., out of a black PB Simmental Ai sire HA JUSTICE 30J. Bred Ai on 11/30/23 to a black PB Simmental sire CLRS KING JAMES 616K.
No donations for this lot
Tyler , Texas
United States
Contact: 7P Ranch
United States
Contact: 7P Ranch
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