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We encourage you to study this lot as it simply could not be any more PROVEN! For starters PB Alexandra 107/0 (P) has produced 5 registered offspring with two of them being the highest sellers in our 2023 online sale, two offspring selling in this sale (lots 3&5), and the bull calf at her side. It should be noted that of these 5 offspring 2 of them have been HOMOZYGOUS Polled. The superiority of 107/0’s offspring should not be surprising when you realize that she results from a proven mating. Her sire is LMC LN Polled Pappo 136/6 who is one of the most proven polled red Brahman bulls in the world due to the success of his offspring in the showring and marketplace. It should be noted that over the past three years Pappo has sired four daughters that have brought $21,500-$37,000 in public auctions validating his sire power. The dam to 107/0 is 3X-HK Ms. Rosharon 932 who has been an influential donor for us with 8 superior progeny and most importantly her fertility validated by 23 embryos being produced in one aspiration. The fertility of 932 was inherited by Alexandra as evidenced by her being aspirated before naturally breeding at 24 months of age, rebreeding via AI 4 months after her first calf, and now selling AI bred to calf approximately 365 days after her last calf.
Sells with a 4/29/2024 registered bull calf, PB Polled Atlas 138/4 (P) #1074106, and confirmed bred with an AI date of July 9, 2024 to Kenrol HJ Sonic Ray (PP) #1070077.
Supplement Photos:
Lot 1-1: HOMOZYGOUS Polled Daughter: Show Winner & 2023 Sale High Seller
Lot 1-2: AI Service Sire: Kenrol HJ Sonic Ray (PP)
Lot 1-3: Sire
Lot 1-4: Dam
United States