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PB Caroline 106/2 (P) is a former show heifer that is high volumed, long, level, beefy, smooth polled, and backed by proven genetics. The sire to Caroline is Nioka Pablo, the Australian Homozygous Polled Sire that has been extremely popular in the USA with over 100 calves being registered over the past two years. The dam to Caroline is LMC LN Polled Helena 132/9(P) one of the most proven dams for us, the dam to two homozygous show heifers and a “keeper” heifer along with two of the highest selling lots at the 2024 Deep South Brahman Sale. 132/9 is a daughter of LMC LN Polled Pappo 136/6, who is the most popular Red Brahman Sire in the world due to the success of his offspring, and out of LN Polled Rayne 191/1 (P) who was the top polled donor for La Negra Cattle Company that recently sold to Drake Farms. Study the genetic profile of Caroline and you will see that she ranks in the top 5% of the breed for Birth Weight & 20% for Marbling making her a useful breeding piece to meet all markets. As a bonus Caroline was AI bred to #NCC Red Odyssey(P) #1000101 on September 11, 2024.
Supplement Photos:
Lot 2-1: Sire
Lot 2-2: Full Sister – Many Time Show Winner & Homozygous Donor
Lot 2-3: AI Service Sire-#NCC Red Odyssey (P)
United States